Local News
Ribbon Cutting Held For Relocation Of Drug Drop Box At FDL Police Dept

A ribbon-cutting was held Monday at the Fond du Lac Police Department for the relocating of a Drug Drop Box. The box was originally located in the parking lot at the police department and it was the first permanent Drug Drop Box in the state when it was opened for business in 2008. It has been relocated to the lobby of the police department. “We would like the residents of our community to see the improved location of the Drug Drop Box and experience the convenience it still provides for drug disposal,” stated City of Fond du Lac Chief Bill Lamb. Fond du Lac County has a total of six Drug Drop Boxes. Since opening the first Drug Drop Box in the State of Wisconsin at the City of Fond du Lac Police Department more than 10 million pills have been collected in Fond du Lac County.
Pictured cutting the ribbon from left to right are: Assistant Chief Steve Thiry, Chief Bill Lamb, Ellen Sorensen, Coordinator Drug Free Communities of Fond du Lac County and Amy Sebert, Clinic Manager, Aurora Health Care.