Local News
RMC Auxiliary Lights Of Love Records Successful Fundraiser

Nearly $5,154 was raised as part of this year’s “Lights of Love” fund-raiser by the Ripon Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. Proceeds will help to sponsor an enclosed water wall to enhance the healing environment at the new Ripon Medical Center.
“We are so appreciative of the community’s continued support of our various fund-raising events, and especially for their giving to this year’s ‘Lights of Love’ project,” says Jackie Halverson, Ripon Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. president.
The “Lights of Love” fund-raiser was assisted, in part, by proceeds from a raffle of seven distinctive gift baskets, featuring donated gift certificates from area businesses and organizations.
Winners of this year’s raffle prizes include: Jerome Zodrow, Dennis Towne, Bruce Miller, Audrey Kelma, Sherry Gundlach, Rick Schubert, and Ron and Judy Robbert.
“We know that our success is due to our continued financial supporters, as well as others that bring forward their time and talents, including the Our Saviour’s United Church of Christ Choir under the direction of David Thompson,” according to Halverson. “We thank everyone on behalf of the Ripon Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc., and wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.”