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Sales Tax Holiday Still Discussed
The late Senator Rick Gudex once proposed a sales tax holiday to help parents with the purchase of school supplies in the fall. State Representative Jeremy Thiesfeldt says the idea is still kicked around the State Capitol from time to time. He says, “My own personal preference at that time when it was targeted, and I can’t recall if it was targeted just at school sort of supplies I’m not sure how you could define that that way when people buy things during that sales tax holiday. But to me it should just be in general the whole state gets a sales tax holiday.” The state lawmaker from Fond du Lac would rather see the state sales tax lowered period. He says, “But you can also make a good argument there is that if we are going to have a sales tax holiday why don’t we just lower the sales tax statewide year round instead of just for these couple of weeks before school starts.” When Senator Gudex pushed for the sales tax holiday on back-to-school purchases in 2013 the legislative fiscal bureau estimated it would cost the state $14 million.