Local News
Salvation Army Brown Bag Lunch Program Set to Begin Next Week

Photo: State Senator Dan Feyen presented the Salvation Army with commendation from the state for the Brown Bag Lunch Program’s 25-year history of combating summer hunger at the Salvation Army’s Annual Civic Lunch on May 14th
The Fond du Lac Salvation Army is set to begin its 26th
year of providing lunches to children in need over the summer through the Brown
Bag Lunch Program. The program began in 1993, and distributed 2,600 free cold lunches
in its first year, that number has grown to over 17,500 lunches packed and distributed
as of 2017. The sack lunch provides a sandwich, chips/snack, vegetable/fruit, a
dessert and a beverage. Brown Bag distributions take place at three different locations,
along with the Salvation Army headquarters on Macy Street.
The official start to the program is next Tuesday, June
11th, and while a core group of volunteers works to keep the lunches
coming, Major Jon Welch says more volunteers are always welcome. “It goes
Tuesdays and Thursdays, all the way to August the 22nd,” Welch said.
“Just anybody that wants to help out on Tuesdays and Thursdays, either call us,
come by and sign up, or sign up online.” The number interested volunteers can
call is 923-8220 or they can send an email to FDLSAinfo@usc.salvationarmy.org.