Local News
Same Sex Marriage Licenses Being Issued Again

Once again County Clerk offices around the state can issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. The U.S. Supreme Court this morning rejected an appeal in a case challenging the state’s gay marriage ban. Fond du Lac County Clerk Lisa Freiberg called the County’s Corporation Counsel to make sure she could once again issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. She says as with all marriage licenses there are certain requirements including a 5-day waiting period, birth certificates are needed to get a marriage license, a date for the wedding has to be set, and if someone was previously married they have to show proof of how it ended. She says one thing she can’t answer for couples is what type of benefits they are entitled to that she says she can’t answer because she’s not an attorney. In addition to Wisconsin the U.S. Supreme Court rejected similar appeals from Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah and Virginia.