Local News
Scam Spotlight: Law Enforcement Impersonators

DATCP has noticed an uptick in recent weeks of scammers impersonating law enforcement agencies and officials. These scam attempts have taken different forms and targeted different people from various locations throughout the state, but there are similarities consumers should be aware of.
The scams usually begins as a phone call that appears to come from a local law enforcement agency like a police department or sheriff’s office. Often the Caller ID indicates this, meaning the scammers are using a technology called “spoofing” to disguise their real phone number as someone else’s. Once the scammer has a consumer on the line, they make a threat. Examples include:
· “You failed to appear for jury duty.”
· “There is a warrant for your arrest.”
· “You owe us unpaid fines.”
· “We are investigating a fraudulent PPP loan.”
Consumers have reported that the scammers spin elaborate stories and explanations to trick them into paying money. In some cases, consumers were called again by a different number soon after the first contact. In other cases, professionals were contacted at their place of work.
Avoid scams by keeping these tips in mind:
· Remember that real law enforcement agencies will never demand cash, gift cards, cryptocurrency, or any form of immediate payment.
· Do not trust Caller ID alone. If you suspect a call is real: hang up, and call the agency back using a phone number you can independently verify.
· Scammers threaten you because they want you to comply without questioning their identity or motives. Before you comply, pause. Ask yourself questions, and consider talking to someone you trust about the situation