Local News
School District Names Dr. Fleig As New Superintendent

The Fond du Lac School District Board of Education announced Friday that they have offered the position of Superintendent to Dr. Jeffrey Fleig. In a press release issued by the District Office, it was said the next steps in the process will include an extensive background check and pursuing a contract with Dr. Fleig.
The search for the next Superintendent was a five-month process that began with seeking the community’s feedback about the needs and priorities of the District and the qualifications and characteristics stakeholders wanted in their next leader. The start date would be July 1, 2021.
Dr. Fleig has been the Principal of South Milwaukee High School in the South Milwaukee School District since 2019. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in K-12 Leadership and Policy Analysis. Additionally, he has a Master of Education focused on school administration from the University of Wisconsin-Superior. He earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse with a major in Elementary Education.
Dr. Susan Jones, Board of Education President, thanked the fellow Board members for the many hours and hard work devoted to the interviewing and selection process of a new Superintendent
for the Fond du Lac School District. She also said she appreciated the input and participation of families, staff, students and community members who were involved throughout the entire search process.