Local News
Senator Grothman On Comparison To Petri

Sixth Congressional District candidate Glenn
Grothman says he would be a different Congressman than current Congressman Tom
Petri. Grothman, a Republican from Campbellsport, says the district needs
someone who can be more fiscally conservative. The State Senator also says a
more aggressive approach is needed especially when it comes to the welfare
system. Grothman says he doesn’t think Congressman Petri liked the comparison
he made to him, but he will be a different Congressman than Petri and will
spend more time in the district than Petri did. As for a newspaper article in
which Petri said he wouldn’t endorse Grothman given his remarks, Grothman says
Petri did give his campaign a contribution. Grothman faces Winnebago County
Executive Mark Harris, a Democrat, in the November 4th election.