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Senator Johnson On Background Checks And The Texas Shootings

U.S. Senator Ron Johnson would like to see a problem with background checks fixed so that someone like Devin Kelley who shot and killed more than two dozen people in Texas last weekend doesn’t slip through the cracks. While in the Air Force Kelley was convicted of domestic assault. That information should have been shared with the FBI, but the Air Force didn’t which allowed Kelley to purchase firearms. Johnson says members of Congress understand that was a break down in the background check process that needs to be fixed quickly. Johnson says tightening gun control won’t stop mass shootings from happening. He says there are 300 million guns on the streets of America now and strengthening the background check system might deter or prevent some tragedies, but if you are a determined criminal and you want to do harm to Americans there is probably a way to access weapons that are illegal. Kelley killed 26 people at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas.