Local News
Sheriffs Lieutenant Benefits From Time In FBI Academy

Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Lieutenant Ryan Waldschmidt says he learned a lot from his time at the National FBI Academy last fall. Waldschmidt says the FBI realized in the mid 1930s that they could accomplish more if the local law enforcement they worked with had some type of FBI training. He says local law enforcement is the first response to crime no matter where in the country it happens. Waldschmidt says he took classes that would benefit him as a leader for example Leadership in Crisis Negotiations. As the SWAT commander for the Sheriff’s Department he has always been on the tactical side of things, but wasn’t really familiar with being a negotiator. He even took a class about dealing with the media. Waldschmidt says there were 231 students in his FBI Academy class and 30 were from other countries. He graduated from the Academy on December 11th.