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Sign Up for October Deer Hunt for Disabled Hunters Now Open.
Disabled hunters interested in participating in the 2019 Gun
Deer hunt for hunters with disabilities are reminded to contact a hunt sponsor to
sign up before September 1st. As of June 1st, 62 sponsors
have enrolled over 73,000 acres of land across 41 counties in the state for
this year’s hunt. Eligible hunters may sign up for one property per year, and
must possess a gun deer license. Hunters or assistants are asked to contact
sponsors directly to sign up for a hunt. To be eligible, hunters must have a
valid Class A, C or D disabled permit or Class B permit that is issued for
longer than one year, authorizing shooting from a stationary vehicle. For a
complete list of 2019 sponsors, hunters can visit dnr.wi.gov and search the
keywords “disabled deer hunt”. This year’s hunt runs from October 5th through the 13th.