Local News
Sign Up For The KFIZ/K107.1 Christmas Parade of Lights

The KFIZ & K107.1 Christmas Parade of Lights brought to
you by The Commonwealth Companies, is scheduled for Saturday December 6th
2014. This year’s theme is “Songs of Christmas”. We are very excited to, once
again, host our community’s celebratory kick off to the Christmas season” Randy
Hopper, President and Owner of KFIZ.
Floats will be judged on “Most Creative”, “Best Children’s Entry” and
“Best Use of Theme”. Prizes will be awarded by a group of local judges. The
participation fee is $25 for businesses and there is no charge for non-profit
groups and organizations. For more information or to sign up, participants can download
entry forms at the link below.. The entry deadline will be November 28th,
2014 at 4pm. The KFIZ & K107.1
Christmas Parade of Lights presented by The Commonwealth Companies will begin
at 4:15pm regardless of temperature. The
parade runs from the intersection of Rees and Main Street and proceeds north on
Main Street to Western. Santa and Mrs.
Claus will once again light the community tree in Veterans Park at the end of
the parade. The Fond du Lac Amateur
Radio Club will again be helping organize the event. We look forward to another
great parade!
Click here to download a parade application.