Local News
Snowmobiler Rescued On Lake Winnebago

A 26-year-old Neenah man was taken to a
hospital after he was rescued from Lake Winnebago late Saturday. He was part of
a group of three snowmobilers who were about a half mile out from the City of
Menasha when they encountered open water. Winnebago County Sheriff’s officials
say a 23-year-old Appleton man and 24-year-old Neenah man were able to make it
across the open water, but the 26-year-old Neenah man’s sled did not. The
Neenah-Menasha Fire Department rescued him with an airboat. He had been in the
water for about 30 minutes. He was taken to a local hospital for treatment for
exposure and precautionary reasons. The incident was reported shortly after 10