Local News
Solar Eclipse day is here!
The day millions of people have been waiting and planning for is finally upon us.
A total solar eclipse will traverse the country today, Monday, April 8, 2024, from Texas up through Maine giving a brilliant view of a mere 2-4 minutes when darkness overtakes the middle of the day. That is IF mother nature cooperates.
Over 30 million people already live in the 115-mile-wide swath of totality, and an estimated 11 million more are expected to make the venture to get into the moon’s shadow, somewhere in the 15 states it will pass over.
But an early season spring storm is also making its way over the middle of the country, leaving millions scrambling to find a spot that will be cloud free during the brief window of time when the moon completely blocks out the sun’s direct sunlight.
KFIZ’s own news director Doug Raflik will be one of those people, travelling south to get into position in extreme southern Illinois where he thinks it will be clear enough to see the eclipse. Doug is hoping to be able to do a Facebook live broadcast of the total eclipse as it happens at about 2 PM today. Due to the potential for 1000s of people to be in the area, internet coverage may be spotty at best due to cell towers being inundated with users, but Doug will attempt to go live around 1:50 PM.
Locally, those in Fond du Lac County will see about 85% of the sun covered at it’s peak. The moon will begin to cover the sun at 12:53 PM, peak at 2:08 PM and the eclipse will end at 3:21. Even though most of the sun will be covered, eye damage will still occur even if looking directly at the sun for only a couple seconds. Solar eclipse glasses will be needed to observe the eclipse, but if you don’t have any, you can try looking at a reflection in a window.