Local News
STEM Academy And Institute Receive Manufacturing Partnership Award
Fond du Lac School District’s STEM Academy and STEM Institute charter schools, along with their manufacturing partner, Mercury Marine, will receive the Manufacturing Partnership Award at the fifth annual New Manufacturing Alliance’s “Excellence in Manufacturing/K-12 Partnerships Awards.” The October 19 event serves to spotlight the best practices of manufacturing and education collaborations throughout northeast Wisconsin as well as showcasing top talent from local manufacturing companies.
Bill Bartnik, chair of the NEW Manufacturing Alliance and director of manufacturing systems at Sargento Foods stated, “The awards dinner is a celebration of the strong partnerships that have been formed between manufacturers and education.” Bartnik added, “The evening will showcase best practices and provide other schools and manufacturers a roadmap they can replicate.” Dr. James Sebert, Superintendent of Schools, acknowledged, “This is another incredible honor for our innovative STEM schools. I couldn’t be prouder of the staff and kids. What these two schools have added to the Fond du Lac School District lineup of offerings is amazing.” Don Smith, STEM Academy and STEM Institute Principal shared, “We are very thankful for the partnerships we have made in the community. The time and knowledge our students receive from our community partners allows us to carry out the mission of our schools.”
In the month of October, the Alliance sponsors plant tours for students and educators throughout the region and co-sponsors the Manufacturing First Expo & Conference being held on October 19-20, 2016 at the KI Convention Center. Another major event sponsored by the Alliance is the “Get Real Math Premiere” which will debut the newest installment of the Get Real Math! videos that showcase how math is used in the real world.
For more information about the NEW Manufacturing Alliance, go to: www.newmfgalliance.org.