Local News
Sturgeon Report – 2-16-16
The sturgeon update is brought to you by Air Tech Heating..
Here’s what Ryan Koenigs of the WI DNR had to say…
Attention Winnebago System Sturgeon Spearers:
The saga continues with the 2016 sturgeon spear season on the Lake Winnebago System as Day 4 is now complete. A total of 38 fish were harvested today (11 from Lake Winnebago and 27 from the Upriver Lakes). Yesterday we had the biggest fish of the last two seasons harvested (147.9 pounds, 77.0”), while today’s harvest did not contain a fish >100 pounds. The largest fish taken today was 70.3” and 99.8 pounds, registered at Critter’s by Adam Deibert. The Upriver Lakes fishery is getting closer to closure as 8 adult females were harvested today. We are now 8 adult females away from the 90% trigger and 17 adult females away from the 100% closure. The trigger could potentially hit tomorrow, which would mean season closure on Thursday. However, it is more likely that the trigger would be hit on Thursday or later and that the season would go at least until Friday. It depends how the sex ratio in tomorrow’ harvest plays out. We will just have to wait and see.
Until tomorrow’s report. Good luck to all you spearers out there tomorrow!