Local News
Sturgeon Report Day 6

DNR Winnebago System Sturgeon Biologist Ryan Koenigs writes:
Today’s harvest from Lake Winnebago included 33 fish. The south end continues to produce the best with Wendt’s (11 fish), Calumet Harbor (8 fish), and Jerry’s Bar (6) registering the most fish. The north shore stations have been very slow with Waverly Beach, Stockbridge Harbor, and Payne’s Point combining to register only 4 fish.
The big fish today was 131.4 pounds, 77.0” and registered at Wendt’s by Nicholas Ludvigsen. I had a chance to talk to Nicholas and his uncle today and this was truly a special fish for their family. Nicholas’s grandfather Jody Ludvigsen passed away in September of last year. Jody was a passionate sturgeon spearer and when he passed the family decided to have him cremated. Further, his ashes were incorporated into sturgeon decoys for family members to have and celebrate Jody’s memory. Nicholas’s fish was the largest fish ever speared by a family member, and I’m sure that his grandfather is proudly smiling down today. I have included a photo of Nicholas and his fish. Congratulations to the Ludvigsen family!
I want to again thank all of the successful spearers that have donated their sturgeon heads thus far this season. We removed the otoliths from 54 sturgeon heads on Monday and as we processed another 150-160 heads today, the guys are finishing up as I type this email. We would not be able to collect the data we do without the support of spearers.