Local News
Supporters Of Proposal To Allow Dogs In FDL Parks Need To Come Forward

A Fond du Lac City Council member says if people want a proposal to allow dogs in City parks to succeed they will have to come forward and make that known. Catherine Block also sits on the Advisory Park Board. She says there is no plan to see what other communities offer, but she plans to do some research on it. She says the ones who do allow have what she calls reasonable restrictions. She says the problem is dog owners who let their dogs run loose. She says they already take them into parks, they don’t pick up after their dogs, don’t put them on leashes, and don’t get them licensed. Block says she would be in favor of allowing dogs in parks with some restrictions such as having them on leashes, allowing them only on trails, making sure they are licensed, and imposing a fee to take care of expenses that come up from allowing dogs in parks. She says Public Works Director Jordan Skiff is developing a draft of a survey the public will be able to take on the issue.