Tanker truck carrying ethanol tips in Winnebago County closing Highway 91

Haz mat crews responded early this morning to a tanker truck that rolled over in a crash on Highway 91 just outside of Oshkosh.

At 1:46 Wednesday morning, May 8, 2024, the Oshkosh fire department was called for the tanker truck carrying 8000 gallons of ethanol that rolled on to its side, but at that time was not thought to be leaking. The crash occurred near the address of 4105 Highway 91, about a 1/4 of a mile west of Highway 44.

After Officers responding to the scene were able to hear a liquid leaking, the decision was made to also call the Hazardous Materials crew to the scene. Upon further investigation however, it was determined the leak was just from the semi’s diesel gas tank.

The driver of the truck wasn’t injured in the crash. As of 6 AM, the highway was still closed down while crews worked the scene.