The Green Thumb Garden Club offers 2 – $1000 scholarships

The Fond du Lac Green Thumb Garden Club is offering 2, $1000 scholarships this year.

The Scholarships are available to any Fond du Lac county resident pursuing a degree in a Botany or Botany related field: Environmental Science, Horticulture, Landscape and Floral Design, Plant Sciences, etc. Applicants do not need to be graduating seniors and applicants may reapply each year they are attending college.

Money for the scholarships comes from the organization’s annual plant sale that is held in May and community donations.

The club has been offering scholarships since 2005.

Green Thumb Garden Club member Vicky Suprenand says “It is important to provide resources and opportunities to promote the love of gardening, sustainability, and civic and environmental responsibility.”

For the application or more information on the club, email

The Green Thumb Garden Club is celebrating it’s 75th year this year.