Local News
The Recipe Survives

Fire may have destroyed the physical building that housed the Wayside Bar & Grill in Fond du Lac last week, but not the thing that made it a popular place to go for fish frys. Division Chief of Fire Prevention Troy Haase says he talked to the owner’s son, Chris, and the family is considering starting over someplace else. He says it may not be a combination bar and restaurant, it may just be a restaurant.The second floor and roof collapsed in on the bar during the blaze, but some of the first floor remained standing. Chris knew where they kept the recipe for their fish fry batter and asked Police Detective Lee Mikulec if he could look for it while he was investigating the fire. The Detective found it just where Chris said it would be. It was laminated and stored in a drawer. Haase says for the family it was one of the few good things that came out of their tragedy. Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue photo.