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Theisen Middle School Students Present Once Upon A Crime
Don’t miss Theisen Middle School’s performance of Once Upon a Crime by Flip Kobler and
Cindy Marcus. Will justice be served in the District Court of Fairytales,
Folklore, and Nursery Rhymes? Goldilocks (Kaitlyn Ziegler, Gwen Williams) is
the defendant on trial for her crimes. And who might be charging her, you ask?
Why the Three Bears of course! As Henny Penny (Olivia Arkin, Kallie Daniels)
and Tom Thumb (Elijah Fuchs, Sam Fuchs) battle out their cases, produce
evidence, and question witnesses, there are lots of mysteries to be solved. How
credible are the witnesses? Who is more convincing? From The Cow and Jack to
the Wolf, Granny, and Little Red to Hansel and Gretel, there are many different
versions of what REALLY happened. It is up to YOU, the audience, to help us
figure out the truth behind Goldilocks’ motives. Help us find the truth!! Is
Goldilocks guilty or is she innocent? What’s your verdict?
Show times are Thursday, March 2 and Friday, March 3 at 7:00
p.m. and on Saturday, March 4 at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tickets are available
at the door and $6.00 for adults, $2.00 for students, and children 5 and under
are free. On Friday night only, there will be an option for dinner AND a show.
The hot dinner beginning at 5:00 will include soups and chilis (don’t worry
we’ll save the porridge for Goldilocks) and dessert. Tickets for the dinner and
show are $10.00 for adults, $6.00 for children, and children 5 and under are
free. All funds raised will be used to continue funding our drama program!
Join us in the courtroom! We need a jury of unbiased citizens
to help us solve this case!
Cast One will be performing on Friday and Saturday nights, and
Cast Two will be performing on Thursday night and Saturday afternoon.
In the photo: