Local News
Thelma Receives Grant
Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts (THELMA) in Fond du Lac is receiving a $5,000 grant from the Oberreich Foundation to support Studio 51.
Studio 51 is the name of THELMA’s arts classes held Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm. Every week the class focuses on a different art – from visual arts to music arts to theatre arts. The classes are geared to children and families giving them opportunities to try different art forms.
The Oberreich Foundation provides grants to non-profit organizations that support strong cohesive families by assisting in educational and recreational programs. The private foundation was established by Francis and Ruth Oberreich of Fond du Lac.
Studio 51 classes are free for THELMA members however, scholarships for $15 Student memberships are available for any child whose family may not have the means to pay for a family membership. A scholarship recipient would be able to attend any Studio 51 classes for free.
If interested in a scholarship, contact THELMA staff at info@thelmaarts.org.
Pictured from left: Jacqui Corsi, THELMA Executive Director, Roger Zuleger, Oberreich Foundation, and Tom Herre, president of the THELMA Board of Directors.