Third Graders Will Gather To Plant Arbor Day Tree In Lakeside Park

Third graders from Lakeshore Elementary School in Fond du Lac will meet in Lakeside Park tomorrow, April 27, 2023, to plant a tree in honor of Arbor Day.

Each year an elementary school in Fond du Lac plants a tree in Lakeside Park.

The students will meet at 1 PM near the park pavilion.

Arbor Day is a national holiday that recognizes the importance of trees. The most common way people celebrate Arbor Day is to plant trees. This years holiday falls on Friday the 28th.

Arbor Day was first celebrated in Nebraska on April 10, 1874, following a proclamation by then Gov. Robert Furnas. In less than a decade, the idea for the holiday caught on in other sates and by 1882, its observance had become a national event. Nebraska made Arbor Day a legal holiday in 1885. An estimated one million trees were planted during the first Arbor Day.