Ticketmaster hacked – Customer card information compromised

The ticket broker Ticketmaster has announced a data breach in their system that may have leaked customers personal information.

According to an email sent to Ticketmaster users, the breach occurred sometime between April 2nd and May 18th of this year. The company says information leaked included
names and basic information of customers as well as their credit and debit card information including expiration dates.

The hacking group ShinyHunters claimed responsibility for the data breach after reportedly trying to extort Ticketmaster and Live Nation. The group, which published a 1.3 terabyte database of the data on the newly reopened BreachForums website, is asking for $500,000 in exchange for the stolen data. 

A class action lawsuit has been brought against Ticketmaster and Live Nation by Chastine Dickey-Johnson and Serena Chapman filed in Pennsylvania federal court on the grounds that Ticketmaster and its parent company Live Nation failed to properly safeguard and secure the personally identifiable information of around 560 million of their customers during a data breach last month, a new class action lawsuit alleges. 

Plaintiffs Chastine Dickey-Johnson and Serena Chapman claim consumers entrusted Live Nation and Ticketmaster with their personal information with the mutual understanding the companies would protect it. 

Ticketmaster advises customers to be vigilant in monitoring your bank statements to help avoid damages of identity theft and Fraud.