Local News
Toastmasters Chapter Establishing At Marian University
Marian University recently established a Toastmaster’s Chapter, and will hold an information session on Wednesday, September 13 from Noon – 1 p.m. at Marian’s Stayer Center Auditorium. Toastmaster’s is an international organization with more than 300,000 members around the world and is where “Leaders are Made.” Participants in this organization develop soft skills, network with others, and have fun. The establishment of this chapter is a community effort and is a direct result of cooperation initiated during Business Industry & Education day, sponsored by Envision Greater Fond du Lac. This chapter will feature noon gatherings twice monthly and is open to both students and members of local organizations and the community. For more information, contact Scott Dell, accounting program director at Marian University and Toastmaster’s advisor, at sdell18@marianuniversity.edu or at 608-446-1000.