Local News
Town of Byron Memorial Day event planned

Town of Byron veterans will once again be honored at the annual Memorial Day tribute on May 27 at the Byron Town Hall and Veterans Memorial. The open house event runs from 8 to 11 am, with an outdoor program beginning at 9:30 am. This year’s keynote address, Veterans’ Care is a Family Affair, will be presented by Phil and LuAnn Bird sharing their involvement with the Fisher House program. The outdoor program will also include the unveiling of 44 names added to the memorial this year and a roll call of veterans buried in Town of Byron cemeteries. Color Guards from Lomira’s Bintzler-Waehler Post No. 347 and Oakfield’s VFW Post No. 8092 will assemble for the event. The outdoor part of the program closes with “Taps” sounded by members of the Lomira High School band and a bagpipe reflection performed by Dr. Joseph Haak.