Traffic pattern changes coming to Prospect Avenue in North Fond du Lac

The Village of North Fond du Lac has announced some changes to the Prospect Avenue corridor running through the middle of the village.

Based on recommendations by an engineer that did a traffic study in 2023 and 2024, these changes are designed to reduce accidents and “close call” situations along Prospect Avenue as well as to improve mobility for pedestrians.

Changes the village decided to implement include reducing the speed limit from 35 to 30 mph. This will take place starting the seek of October 28th.

Prospect Avenue will also be converted from a 4-lane road to a 2-lane road with a shared middle turn lane and bike lanes on the outside. This change goes into effect next summer.

And The intersection of Prospect Avenue and McKinley Street will be converted into an all way stop. This is the intersection most used by busses and students going to and leaving Horace Mann High School. This change will also go into effect next week Monday the 28th. North Fond du Lac Police Department will monitor traffic flows with the change at this intersection and if needed, The village will look into the possibility of either traffic lights or a roundabout.

Contact the Village offices at 920.929.3765 or email if you have any questions.