Turkey Commander To Speak At Lomira Library

Lomira, WI, –  The
start of the 2017 fall wild turkey hunting season in Wisconsin is right around
the corner, and who better to set the stage for it than the Wisconsin Turkey
Commander himself, Loren Voss.  On
Wednesday, September 13, at 6:00pm, Mr. Voss will bring his 40-plus years of
turkey hunting experience to the Lomira QuadGraphics Community Library.  A guest on television shows such as PBS’s Around the Corner with John McGivern and
Outdoor Wisconsin, Mr. Voss is
regarded as an engaging expert on all things turkey.  During his presentation, Mr. Voss plans to
demonstrate the variety of turkey calls (which audience members will be invited
to try), as well as decoys and strategies for success.   


Wild turkeys were restored to Wisconsin in 1976 when 45 birds from
Missouri were brought in to repopulate the area.  Now they are thriving, with population
estimates from the DNR of 350,000.  You
won’t want to miss this fascinating look at turkey hunting in Wisconsin.