Local News
Two County Committees Approve Proposal For Turn Lanes At 23 And K

Two Fond du Lac County committees have voted in favor of installing slotted left turn lanes at State Highway 23 and County Highway K in Fond du Lac. Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Captain Rick Olig says the traffic safety committee voted 8 to 3 in favor of the lanes and the highway, airport and facilities committee voted 4 to 1 in favor. He says if you’re northbound on K you can make a right turn, if you’re southbound on K you can make a right turn, and if you’re on Highway 23 you can make a left turn. He says it still has to go to the City’s Advisory Parking and Traffic Board and the state’s Department of Transportation. He says the goal is to get it the DOT to schedule a public hearing with the hope that bids will be let in August and the work can be done on it in September and October. Olig, who is the County’s Highway Safety Coordinator, says it’s not safe for the traffic on County K to try and make it across all of the lanes at Highway 23.