Two Red Cross blood drives planned for area

The Red Cross is partnering with two area organizations to host two blood donation drives this month.

The first will take place January 17th at the City of Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue station number one at 815 south Main Street. The hours of the drive will be from noon to 5PM.

The second will be on Thursday, January 23rd, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Stayer Center, at 45 south National Avenue, on the grounds of Marian University.

For either drive, you can set up an appointment by calling 1800redcross or by going to the website

You will need to bring a photo ID or your blood donor card to donate.

The Red Cross says any donation through the 26th of January will qualify to win Superbowl tickets in New Orleans and a $1000 gift card.