Wisconsin News
USDA Invests Over $32 Million to Strengthen Rural Infrastructure and Create Good-Paying Jobs in Wisconsin

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development Wisconsin State Director Julie Lassa today announced that the Department is investing over $32 million to strengthen rural infrastructure and create more good-paying construction jobs in Wisconsin.
“These investments are strengthening critical water and electric infrastructure in several Wisconsin counties,” said Lassa. “The USDA, under the Biden-Harris Administration, is investing in modernizing rural infrastructure to improve the quality of life for residents and promote economic growth.”
Projects being funded are:
- In Juneau County, a $1,552,000 loan will help the Village of Lyndon Station make upgrades to the sewer collection and lift station system. The goal of this project is to address the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources phosphorous requirement. Upgrades are planned to be made to a ditch to incorporate bio and chemical removal of phosphorus and a proposed reed bed sludge treatment/disposal system. All of the major components of the current system were constructed in 2000, when the lagoon system was replaced with the mechanical treatment system, with the exception of the fine screen. This project also includes general improvements to the existing facilities and improvements to the collection/lift station systems.
- In Oneida County, a $5,217,000 loan and a $1,300,000 grant will help the City of Rhinelander make improvements to the Messer Street water mains, and the sanitary and storm sewers. The existing water mains, sanitary and storm sewer lines are between 30 to 50 years old, causing numerous events of sewer backups and trickle water notices for six locations to prevent freezing. A portion of the water main is less than six inches in diameter and does not meet current code requirements for fire protection. This project will help to reconstruct the sanitary sewer system by removing and replacing sanitary sewer lines, manholes, and any additional associated infrastructure, including the Rose Street lift station.
- In Vernon County, a $24,200,000 Electric Infrastructure Loan and Loan Guarantee Program loan will be used by Vernon Electric Cooperative to help connect 801 consumers and build and improve 203 miles of line. This loan includes $2,006,341 in smart grid technologies. Vernon Electric Cooperative is headquartered in Westby, Wisconsin, and serves on average 11,513 consumers through 2,180 miles of line through seven counties in central Wisconsin.
Today’s announcement is part of a nationwide announcement that USDA is investing $6.3 billion in rural and Tribal communities across 44 states to expand access to a clean and reliable electric grid, provide safe drinking water and create good-paying jobs. More than 200 projects are being financed to strengthen the nation’s infrastructure in rural places, growing the American economy from the middle out and bottom up.
Delivering Clean, Reliable Energy
USDA is providing $5.7 billion in funding through the Electric Infrastructure Loan and Loan Guarantee Programto help utility providers and electric cooperatives build and improve electric infrastructure and smart-grid technologies in 23 states.
These projects will help ensure everyone in rural America has access to reliable electricity to increase economic opportunity and improve quality of life.
Funding will benefit Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Strengthening Rural Water Infrastructure
USDA is also investing nearly $642 million today to expand access to clean and reliable drinking water, sanitary waste disposal and storm water drainage for people in 41 states.
The Department is making the investments through the Water and Waste Disposal Loans and Grants program and the Solid Waste Management Grants program.
The agency is helping state and local governments, private nonprofits and federally recognized Tribes build or improve rural wastewater systems.
Under the Biden-Harris Administration, USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities, create jobs and improve the quality of life for millions of Americans in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community facilities such as schools, public safety and healthcare; and high-speed internet access in rural, Tribal and high-poverty areas. Visit the Rural Data Gateway to learn how and where these investments are impacting rural America. For more information, visit www.rd.usda.gov.