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UW-O Survey Showing Workforce/Childcare Concerns During COVID-19
School Districts across the state are gearing up to start another school year, with most districts choosing to start virtually. And with more parents needing to be at home with their kids, it’s putting a strain on employers and their companies as a result.
Those concerns come from the latest UW-Oshkosh COVID-19 Impact survey, which was implemented August 6-21. According to the results, 43% of Wisconsin business leaders that responded to the survey believe their district’s plans will have significant impact on workforce availability. Another 1/3 of those that responded were still unsure what the impact will mean to their company.
Jeffrey Sachse, interim director of UW-O’s Center for Customized Research and Services, said “This comes as most businesses report fewer than a quarter of their employees normally face childcare needs with typical accommodations including scheduling changes or flexible hours,” Sachse said. “This is poised to again be a significant issue as businesses generally are ill-equipped to offer other accommodations at the same time that the state’s childcare infrastructure is strained beyond capacity.” The businesses represent over 39,000 employees across Wisconsin, and reported income gains of $5.7 million in July, along with inventory gains of $4.7 million, while reporting financial losses of over $1 million.