Local News
Vehicle Crashes While Attempting To Elude Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Officers

Around 1 AM Sunday morning, June 11, 2023, a Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Deputy attempted to pull over a blue Hyundai that was southbound on 151 near Winnebago Drive near Peebles.
The driver of the vehicle accelerated in an attempt to elude the officer.
With speeds in excess of 105 mph, another officer was able to deploy stop sticks, a tire deflation device, in front of the fleeing vehicle which the driver ran over.
The driver exited at Johnson Street and then crashed on the off ramp, rolling his vehicle at 1:05 AM.
Fond du Lac Fire/Rescue was dispatched to extricate the suspect out of the vehicle. According to KFIZ News Director Doug Raflik who was at the scene, the driver was able to walk to the ambulance on his own power.
Officers on the scene advised that they could see drugs in the vehicle.
This appears to be the same vehicle that officers and rescue were out with at a Kwik Trip in the City Of Fond du Lac around 1 AM Friday morning. The driver of the vehicle in that incident also had drugs in the car, but he fled and was able to get away from officers.
According to dispatchers at the Fond du Lac County Communications Center, the driver of the vehicle Sunday morning has an open case pending against him for eluding an officer.