Local News
Vendor Open House Scheduled for Downtown FDL Farmers Market
New and returning vendors to the Downtown Fond du Lac
Farmers Market are invited to attend the annual Vendor Open House in early April.
The open house will be held on Monday, April 8th from 5 until 6:30
pm in the McLane Room of the Fond du Lac Public Library. Vendors can pick up
application materials, answer questions, submit materials and payments and
connect with other vendors. Information will also be available on accepting EBT
tokens, accepting Farmers Market Nutrition Program Checks from WIC, the FDA
Produce Safety Rule, Vendor Insurance and scale certification. This year, vendors
can also submit applications online. Any vendor who cannot attend the open
house are encouraged to visit application materials and resources on the
Downtown FDL Website, and direct questions to market@downtownfdl.com or to