Local News
Walleye Weekend Gives Back Over $211,000 To The Community

Fond du Lac Festivals officials say this past June’s Walleye Weekend at Lakeside Park provided $211,504 in net proceeds to the 45 non-profits, service organizations and schools that participated in it. They say this year’s attendance including Saturday’s rain-out, was counted at 63,000 people. Justin Smith, the senior co-chair for this year’s festival, says it was an incredible event for the Fond du Lac Community. He added, “Raising over $200,000 in one weekend with proceeds going right back in the community is truly amazing.” Also new this year was the CitizensFirst Grand GiveBack, which gave non-profits an opportunity to tell their Walleye Weekend stories for a chance at $1,000. The Fond du Lac Public Library won that. CitizensFirst won the Walleye Weekend MVP Award for giving people a chance to tell their stories. Fond du Lac Festivals Executive Director Leanne Doyle says over the past three years net proceeds for non-profits, service organizations and schools participating in Walleye Weekend are over $617,000. For more click here.