Local News
Water Service Mailing
HomeServe USA Repair Management Corporation recently mailed an advertisement to a significant number of City of Fond du Lac residents soliciting insurance coverage for water service lines. Many residents throughout the state of Wisconsin received this mailing last summer. In the materials, HomeServe states that property owners are responsible for repairs between the City’s right-of-way and the house.
The City of Fond du Lac Water Utility advises that HomeServe is correct in stating that property owners are generally responsible for lateral repair costs between the City’s right-of-way and their house. HOWEVER, property owners should contact their own insurance agent to see if they might already have coverage for lateral damage or a leak incident, or if they feel such coverage is warranted. Property owners should use caution when considering such insurance coverage and are urged to read the fine print to determine if the long-term costs warrant such coverage.
There are nearly 14,000 water service connections in the City of Fond du Lac and we typically have about 10 per year that require repair work on the private side.
The City of Fond du Lac does not endorse HomeServe and HomeServe is not affiliated with the City of Fond du Lac. City residents are also encouraged to research HomeServe USA Repair Management Corporation on the Better Business Bureau website.