Local News
Waupun Students Name Agnesian Robot Surgery System
Seventh grade students from Waupun who helped come up with a name for Agnesian HealthCare’s new robot surgery technology got a chance to see it demonstrated Friday afternoon. About 150 students made the bus trip to St. Agnes Hospital in Fond du Lac. They won a contest to help name the da Vinci Surgical System. In particular it was “Maddie” (Madeline) Keach and her science teacher who came up with the name “Dex” short for the name “Ambidexter” for the ambidextrous system. Maddie got a chance to take “Dex” for spin, to perform a couple simple tasks. She says it operates very easily. Her teacher Terra Backhaus says the afternoon was a real treat for the students. Dr. Robert Santa-Cruz, a urologist, says it’s a modern way to take care of patients. “Dex” is one of about 43 robot surgery systems used in Wisconsin and costs about $2 million.
In photo in front row from left to right 7th grader “Maddie” Keach, her teacher Terra Backhaus, Waupun Schools Superintendent Tonya Gubin. In back Dr. Robert Santa-Cruz