Local News
White Christmas And Fill The Sleigh Both Huge Successes

Fond du Lac Schools Superintendent Jim Sebert says he was impressed with the High School’s performance of the musical “White Christmas.” He says students had to learn how to tap dance and they were fantastic. He says they were sold out and had their best attendance ever. He attributes that to online ticket sales and social media pushing the event. Sebert says the “Fill the Sleigh” food drive campaign conducted along with performances of White Christmas was also a huge success. Five thousand food items and more than $300 will be donated to the Salvation Army as a result of the “Fill the Sleigh” effort. The high school’s first hour classes donated 1,412 food items and just over $300. The middle schools and audience members for the show donated the balance of food items.
In the picture; The White Christmas cast gathered around the sleigh with the items that will be delivered to the Salvation Army courtesy of the Fond du Lac School District’s facility services staff.