Local News
Wisconsin Dept. of Justice Announces New Data from Sexual Assault Kit Initiave
The Wisconsin Department of Justice says nine people have
been criminally charged as a result of the Wisconsin Sex Assault Kit
Initiative. The initiative began In 2015, when the DOJ was given grants to test
sexual assault kits that were still in possession of law enforcement and
hospitals. The DOJ released the latest numbers Wednesday in the ongoing effort
to clear the backlog of those sex assault kits. As of July 31st,
1,016 DNA kits have been added to the national database of DNA profiles. That
total is out of 4,471 tested sex assault kits. A news release says the DOJ has
reviewed 1,323 cases and continues to review more. 35 cases have been referred for
possible charges, some were sent back to the DOJ for prosecution, while others
have not resulted in charges.