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WMC Honors Olsen And Ballweg
Wisconsin Manufacturers and Commerce (WMC), the State’s Chamber of Commerce, recently honored Senator Luther Olsen and Rep. Joan Ballweg with the prestigious “Working for Wisconsin” Award at Brakebush Brothers Inc. in Westfield.
The award is given to legislators who stand up for jobs and improve the state’s business climate by voting 80 percent or greater in support of the pro-jobs position on the WMC legislative scorecard. WMC reports that Senator Luther Olsen and Rep. Joan Ballweg both voted 100 percent to support job-creating legislation.
“Senator Olsen and Rep. Ballweg were true-leaders for job creation and voted time and again to support pro-growth policies in the Legislature,” said Kurt R. Bauer, WMC President/CEO.
(Pictured, left to right, Chris Reader, WMC Director of Health and Human Resources Policy; Sen. Luther Olsen; Rep. Joan Ballweg; Carl Brakebush, President, Brakebush Brothers; and Rusty Schieber, Operations Support Vice President, Brakebush Brothers.)