Local News
WMH Medical Staff Gives Back To The Community
The Waupun Memorial Hospital Medical Staff is donating a total of $25,000 to support local projects that benefit the community. Among those receiving donations are: (standing, left to right): Kris White, Todd Wetzel, Karen Cunningham and Jerry Medema, Waupun Girls’ Softball Association; Sue Haefemeyer and Sarah Dobbratz, Waupun Fine Arts; (sitting, left to right) Kyle Witt, Waupun Hoopsters; Ryan Mulder, Waupun Area Recreation Project (WARP); Robert Nagle, DO, (vice president), Thomas Grossman, MD, (secretary), and Scott Hansfield, MD, (president), WMH Medical Staff Executive Committee; and Nicci Landaal, Waupun Little League.