Local News
Woodworth Middle School Students Ready For Rocket Launch
Three teams from Woodworth Middle School and one from Sabish will launch high-powered rockets on Friday, May 8, at Richard Bong Recreation Area. Each team is building a six-foot rocket and designing a payload. In preparation for the launch, Tammy Iloncaie, graphic artist from Hopper’s Silk Screening, digitized Woodworth sixth grader Peter Abhold’s artwork to create the Inky Jedi team shirts. The Inky Jedi is one of three teams that comprise the Woodworth’s Rocket Club.
Shown here (front to back): Harlie Meske, Mylah Russell, Roan Henslin, Derek Giese, Isaac Hayes, and Peter Abhold as they watch Dave Hopper demonstrate Hoppers’ tate-of-the-art printer that will be used in producing their creative designs.