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Woodworth Students’ History Lesson
Woodworth Middle School eighth graders (back row – L-R) Anna Gerstner, Kallin Lenz, Jaiden Sawyer, (speaker) Howard Melton, Klayton Kruger, Bailey Krueger, DJ Holzman and (front row-kneeling) Elizabeth Jacobson and Martina Witt were some of the students who listened to Mr. Melton’s first-hand account of his holocaust experiences. Prior to the October 24th presentation, students participated in a holocaust unit where they researched the history of the holocaust and read and reviewed holocaust-themed novels using a book club format. To bring to life all of the information that they had been reading and studying, Mr. Melton came to share his incredible story. In a question-and-answer session, the students were able to ask any and all questions they had. In closing, Mr. Melton emphasized the importance of continuing to pass on his story as well as not letting anyone tell them the holocaust did not happen. He hoped that his story would inspire them to not judge others and to treat everyone the way they want to be treated.