Local News
Worthington Leaving Envision Greater FDL for Houston Opportunity
Envison Greater Fond du Lac announced late Tuesday afternoon that Melissa Worthington is resigning her position as Vice President of
Chamber Services and Strategic Advancement at Envision Greater Fond du Lac effective September 13,
2019. Worthington has accepted a position as the Brand and Digital Strategy Architect for the YMCA of
Greater Houston. In a statement released by Envision Great Fond du Lac, Worthington said “I have truly enjoyed my time working alongside the very talented team at Envision Greater Fond du Lac. From an innovative and engaging CEO whom I’ve enjoyed working with and
learning from, to an enhanced suite of programs and services, Envision Greater Fond du Lac has made
significant strides in the last few years. I’m very proud to have been part of this team and look forward to
the opportunity ahead.” Cecilia Harry, President and CEO of Envision Greater Fond du Lac, praised Worthington’s contributions
to the organization. “I’ve really enjoyed working with Melissa and am grateful for her leadership in our
organization. She will be missed, but I know she has a fantastic opportunity ahead.” A search will commence in the coming days for Worthington’s successor.