Yard and Garage Sale Safety

Monthly tips from the Wisconsin Department of Ag, Trade, & Consumer Protection

As the weather continues to warm, yard and garage sales are popping up across Wisconsin. There are great deals and unique items to be found! However, to prevent risk of injury or fire, shoppers should first check for recalls on items they intend to purchase so they don’t bring a hidden hazard into the home.

Whether you are searching for a specific product or simply browsing to see what catches your interest, safety should be among your top considerations. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) recalls products if they have the potential to cause injury or death. Possible hazards include injury, flammability, electrocution, choking, strangulation, unsafe amounts of lead or other chemicals, loose magnets, and more. It is especially important to check for recalls of children’s toys and nursery care products like cribs, gates, play yards/play pens, baby bouncers/swings, and baby walkers. Consumers can easily check for recalls on their mobile device by visiting SaferProducts.gov. Recent recalls and searchable databases are available. Have these resources open while you shop so you can quickly check on interesting items!

Other yard and garage sale tips include:

· Check battery compartments for signs of corrosion.

· Look for signs of damaged or repaired wiring and cords.

· Test appliances and electronics on-site before buying, if possible.

· Avoid toys or other products that have chipping paint, as it could contain lead or sharp metal parts/corners.

Wisconsin Consumer Protection Hotline: (800) 422-7128 or DATCPHotline@wi.gov datcp.wi.gov