Local News
Yellow Jackets Win Scrabble Bee

Yellow jackets have been known to annihilate their enemies. This year’s Scrabble Bee winners were no exception. Coming in with a whopping 4,949 points, The Mighty Elks team of Philip Shepherd, Tom Flader, Carol Meister and Christine Carew spelled their way to a commanding win. Feeling their sting in second place with 3,624 points was JACS, the team sponsored by Zacherl, O’Malley & Endejan: Cheryl Schraufnagel, Jessica Schwartz, Shelby Schraufnagel and Amy Timm.
The teams competed in the Fond du Lac Literacy Services’ second annual Scrabble Bee fundraiser on November 6. A total of 15 teams competed in two divisions – Yellow Jackets and Stingless Bees – vying for bragging rights and prizes while serving a good cause.
The Stingless Bees enjoyed less intense level of competition. First place was taken by The Stephanys: Andrea Stephany, Crystal Schmitz, Joanne Stephany and Jackie Stephany, which triumphed over second-place finisher National Exchange Bank and Trust’s Tina Hewitt, Dee Deanovich, Jenni Riedeman and Renee Breister.
With the generous support of corporate teams and sponsors, more than $1,000 was raised. Major sponsors included Cujak’s Wine Market, Alliant Energy, Domino’s Pizza, Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 270, National Exchange, Wells Fargo, Fond du Lac Evening Optimist Club, Rocky Rococo, Fond du Lac Family YMCA and the Service League of Fond du Lac.
On hand with a major assist were Mike Gnewuch, Fondy High School football team and Fond du Lac High School Leadership Club, who volunteered as scorekeepers, runners and team monitors.
Fond du Lac Literacy Services, a United Way agency, offers free one-on-one tutoring for adults who need help with reading, writing, math and the English language. Literacy is headquartered on the second floor of the Fond du Lac Public Library downtown. For more information, call (920) 322-3932 or email literacy@fdlpl.org.
In the photo:
The Mighty Elks took top honors in the Yellow Jackets division in the Fond du Lac Literacy Services Scrabble Bee on November 6. Team members are, from left, Tom Flader, Christine Carew, Philip Shepherd and Carol Meister.