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YPF Donates To Marian Annual Day Of Giving

The Young Professionals of Fond du Lac (YPF) partnered with Marian University for their Annual Day of Giving on Thursday, April 28. YPF hosted a leadership keynote address from George Koonce, former Green Bay Packers linebacker and Super Bowl XXXI champion, at Marian University for YPF members, students and community members. YPF raised $432 for Marian University’s Annual Day of Giving campaign for student scholarship. Pictured from left: George Koonce, Marian University Vice President for Advancement; Lisa Wettstein, Brooke Industries and YPWeek Committee Co-Chair; Dr. Andrew Manion, Marian University President; Joe Truesdale, wisnet.com and YPF President; Molly Jaster, Marian University Special Events Coordinator and YPWeek Committee Co-Chair; Trevor Block, Marian University Director of Annual Giving