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Al Buechel Will Receive Wisconsin Library Association Citation Of Merit

Fond du Lac County Executive Allen Buechel will receive the Wisconsin Library Association (WLA) Citation of Merit for his outstanding contribution to libraries and librarianship. The award is given to Wisconsin citizens who are neither librarians nor library trustees and who have made outstanding contributions to quality library services.
Buechel was nominated by the directors of the seven libraries in Fond du Lac County: Fond du Lac, Ripon, North Fond du Lac, Campbellsport, Oakfield, Waupun and Brandon. The nomination included letters of support from Oakfield Library Board member Jeff Ogle, a representative from the Winnefox Library System, former Fond du Lac Public Library Director Ken Hall and County Board Supervisor Judy Goldsmith.
The nomination cited Buechel’s “unique level of support” for county libraries during a time of financial hardship that included a four-year plan increasing county support for library services to rural residents and a pledge that no library would receive a reduction in funding.
This plan, the nomination notes, allowed libraries to maintain and add hours, increase programming, enhance collections and hire more staff.
In his nomination letter, Hall wrote, “Allen recognizes the myriad ways that libraries support democracy, literacy, diversity and the economic wellbeing of county residents. More than any other non-librarian I’ve known – and perhaps more than many librarians – Allen Buechel understands the broad impact of libraries on the communities he serves.”
Goldsmith, who noted her 21 years of working with Buechel, wrote, “In Allen Buechel I saw another believer in the power of libraries to change people’s lives, to provide them with a wealth of resources they might otherwise not be able to access, that could provide them with learning, entertainment and valuable resources for their daily lives. His commitment has significantly enriched the lives of the people of our county more than we can probably ever know.”
WLA will hold a celebratory awards reception on Thursday, November 6, in the Wisconsin Dells.
The WLA Awards program is supported by the WLA Foundation, through individual charitable contributions. The WLA engages, inspires and advocates for library workers and supporters to improve and promote library services for the people of Wisconsin. The awards program is one way the association acknowledges the dedication of its members to provide exemplary library service to the people of Wisconsin.