Wisconsin News
Bald Eagle Watching Days in Prairie du Sac this weekend

The Village of Prairie du Sac will be featuring their Bald Eagle Watching Days this weekend.
The area has a perfect set up for bald eagles to congregate in the winter, and the village takes advantage of this to help those interested in watching the majestic birds of prey hunt in the Wisconsin River and roost up in area trees.
Bald eagles eat mostly fish so with area lakes and rivers freezing in the winter, most migrate to where the waters stay open, but a large amount have realized that just down river of a dam on the Wisconsin River just north of Prairie Du Sac, the water stays open from the constant movement of the water. Several dozen eagles winter in the area and can be seen feeding in the small open area near the dam and in the village itself.
Eagles can be seen by the dam anytime the rest of the river freezes, but Eagle Watching Days sets out to provide guides around the river to help answer questions and point out eagle behavior.
Besides the viewing of the birds, there are related shows being put on at area venues. The shows are free to attend but you must get a ticket to attend. Tickets can be picked up in the River Arts Center at
105 9th Street starting at 9 AM Saturday.
Aside from the dam parking lot, there are three viewing areas set up in Prairie Du Sac to watch the eagles.
Eagle watching days run Saturday and Sunday. For more info go to ferrybluffeaglecouncil.org/